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Weavers Choice - Yarns
There are a wide variety of silk yarns which are used exclusively for weaving purpose. The yarns are Cobeweb weight yarns. It has been directly spun from the Sliver Silk Tops, and the counts vary dpending upon the use. All the beautiful 100% Silk Stoles, scarves, carpets, etc are made out of these yarns. We have it in a wide range of colors and can also have it custom dyed into any color as desired by the customers. These yarns are a delight to all the Weavers :- 60/2, 140/2, 210/2, Ahimsa Silk Yarn 2Ply - Peace Silk Yarn, Filature/Reeled Silk Yarn of any Denier (18-20, 20-22, 24-26,upto 40-42)

20/2 Spun Silk Yarn

Its a Lace weight yarn, Idealy can be used for machine knitting as well as weaving. Can be twisted with other yarns and be used even for knitting and crocheting purposes.

The yarn can be dyed into any desired color of your choice.
1000 yards per 100 Grams
20/2's NM
Lace Weight

60/2 Spun Silk Yarn
Exotic Silk which is mainly used in the carpet industry across th globe.

This yarn is also used to make beautiful stoles and scarves.
Yardage: 3000 yards per 100 Grams
60/2's NM
Cobweb Weight

140/2 Spun Silk Yarn
Exotic Silk which is mainly used make beautiful Silk Stoles and scarves. It is a delight for weavers.

The yarn can be used both in weft or warp and mixed with other yarns too of the same thickness. Yardage: 7000 yards per 100 Grams
Count: 140/2's NM
Cobweb Weight

210/2 Spun Silk Yarn
This is a more finer count yarn and is ideal for weaving on a small loom with other yarns. 

The yarn can be used both in weft or warp and mixed with other yarns too of the same thickness. Yardage: 10,000 yards per 100 Grams
Count: 210/2's NM
Cobweb Weight

20/22 Denier Filature Silk Yarn
This yarn is a finest silk directly reeled out from the cocoon it comes in different thicknes/denier starting from 18-20 Denier upto 40-42 Denier. It is a very shiny yarn and can be dyed  into any color.

This yarn is used to make the beautiful 100% Silk Sarees here in India.
25,000+ yards per 100 Grams
Count: 20-22 Denier
Cobweb Weight

28/2 Throwster Silk yarn

This yarn has been produced from the thrown silk fiber. Ideally used for Crocheting and weaving purpose. It has been bleached and hence it is bright white than the natural white color.

1400 yards per 100 Grams
Count: 28/2's NM
Lace Weight

Ahimsa Silk Yarn

Beautiful Hand Spun Silk Yarn directly from the filament of the Cocoon. This yarn is also called as the Peace Silk Yarn. The yarn is spun out from the cocoon after the pupa inside the cocoon dies by itself. The pupa is not killed to get this silk and hence it is called as the PEACE SILK YARN (Ahimsa - in Hindi means Peace)

Yardage: 2000 yards per 100 Grams
Count: 40/2's NM Thickness
Cobweb Weight


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